TPSolar only cooperates with companies and organizations that, like us, strive to make the Netherlands more sustainable, in an environmentally responsible manner and with respect for nature and landscape.
Association of the Dutch solar energy sector
Holland Solar is the association of the Dutch solar energy sector to which TPSolar is affiliated. Holland Solar was founded in 1983 and works with its members to ensure that solar energy becomes the most important source of energy in the Netherlands. As a trade association, they work with their members to inspire, inform, connect and further professionalize the Dutch solar energy sector.
National Consortium Sun in Landscape
The National Consortium Sun in Landscape has been actively working since 2018 to bring together parties involved in solar in landscape to achieve better alignment and a better view of the (near) future. In this consortium, scientists, project developers, financial service providers, designers, consultants, knowledge institutions and government work closely together. TPSolar has joined this consortium to fit its parks scenically and ecologically based on the latest developments.
Alliantie Zon
Alliantie Zon is a coalition of five developers: TPSolar, GroenLeven, KiesZon, Novar and Sunrock. The coalition is the bridge between the market and policy makers in the field of large-scale sustainable solar projects. As leaders in the market, we share our vision and knowledge based on qualitative and quantitative research and years of experience. All members of the Alliantie Zon are also members of Holland Solar.
EcoCertified Solar Parks
Eco Certified is a research project of Wageningen University, Wageningen Research, TNO, Eelerwoude, NL Greenlabel and a dozen project developers affiliated with Holland Solar. The aim of the research project is to establish a quality label (the EcoCertified Solar label) with criteria in the field of ecological design and management of solar parks. The guidelines of this label can then be used to design demonstrably ecological solar parks.
Code of Conduct for Solar on Land
TPSolar applies the Code of Conduct for solar on land. In November 2019, 9 parties signed this code of conduct; association Holland Solar, the association of residents living near energy projects (NLVOW), Energie Samen, Greenpeace, Milieudefensie, Natuur & Milieu, de Natuur en Milieufederaties, Natuurmonumenten, and the Vogelbescherming.
The code contains three basic principles that have been translated into supra-statutory rules. For example, the code contains regulations that ensure that local residents are adequately involved, that solar parks add value to natural values, and that over time the original land use can return.
As the first and only solar farm operator, TPSolar is a partner of Nederland Zoemt; an umbrella action platform for wild bees. We want to contribute as much as possible to native pollinators and to biodiversity in general. Creating habitats for wild bees in particular is therefore a standard part of our projects. We see this partnership as a way to solidify our commitment.
Solarpanels to resource
TPSolar works with the Solar Energy Recycling Netherlands Foundation (ZRN). Like other parties marketing solar panels, TPSolar is also responsible for the collection and environmentally friendly processing of these products at the end of their useful life. ZRN helps us do this. It provides environmentally friendly recycling of solar products. For example, they disassemble broken solar panels and reprocess them into raw materials for new panels.

Landscape design and advice
The Dutch landscape is unique, diverse and culturally and historically valuable. Reason enough to preserve its landscape values. Adaptation of the landscape, such as the arrival of a solar park, therefore requires a carefully considered landscape design. LabelTIEN helps us with this. The characteristics of the valuable and unique landscapes of the Netherlands are taken into account and, where possible, strengthened.

Otte Groenadvies makes flora and fauna Quickscans for us. These test the planned development against nature legislation. By means of field visits and desk research we assess which natural values are expected in the plan area and the possible presence of protected plant and animal species. Otte Groenadvies then advises on how to ensure that the flora and fauna present experience as little nuisance as possible.

Solar park developers
TPSolar has been working for years with Germany’s Solar-Konzept, a specialist in building large-scale solar parks. By joining forces during the development, management and maintenance of the parks, we strengthen each other. Knowledge transfer and protection are central to this. This enables us to offer our customers a total package.

ZonnepanelenDelen is an investment platform where people can subscribe to collective solar energy projects throughout the Netherlands. TPSolar’s goal is to develop a portfolio of 500MW of solar parks over the next few years. To achieve this goal, TPSolar is joining forces with ZonnepanelenDelen to raise funds for the development phase of new projects. Furthermore, TPSolar believes it is important to involve (direct) residents financially. To this end, TPSolar is working with the platform to make investing easier for those living near the solar parks. Click here for more information.

Engineers of Innovation
Alumni association Engineers of Innovation of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam was founded in 2016. It is an engineering association where people can put their acquired knowledge to practical use through projects. The project they are currently working on is the solar boat. The association is developing, improving and sailing the solar boat.